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Ziiatdinova E. M., Fatikhova D. R. Specifics of PR activities of Russian municipal bodies in the context of the spread of COVID-19. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 331-334. DOI:

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Specifics of PR activities of Russian municipal bodies in the context of the spread of COVID-19

This article examines some features of PR activities of local governments during the self-isolation regime introduced in March 2020 in connection with the spread of coronavirus infection. Based on content analysis of messages posted on the official accounts of three administrations of Russian cities with millions of people (Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh) in the social network Instagram, the authors determine prior directions of PR activities of local governments in a crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

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  5. Официальный аккаунт администрации г. Екатеринбурга в Instagram. URL: (дата обращения: 31.10.2020).
  6. Официальный аккаунт администрации г. Воронежа в Instagram. URL: (дата обращения: 31.10.2020).
  7. Официальный аккаунт мэрии г. Казани в Instagram. URL: (дата обращения: 31.10.2020).