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Elutina M. E., Sitnikova S. V., Semenova Y. А. The Age-Specific Features of Women’s Entrepreneurial Activity (On the Example of Women Entrepreneurs in Saratov Region). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 399-406. DOI:

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The Age-Specific Features of Women’s Entrepreneurial Activity (On the Example of Women Entrepreneurs in Saratov Region)

The article deals with age-specific features of women’s entrepreneurial activity on the example of the women entrepreneurs in Saratov region. The logic of the work is built around the identification of the age profile of women’s entrepreneurship, as well as the age specificity of the key components of women’s entrepreneurial activity. On the basis of the analysis of quantitative and qualitative research materials, a socio-demographic portrait of a woman entrepreneur and the profile of her activities were drawn up, as well as age-specific features of women’s entrepreneurial activity were described in detail. The representatives of the older age group of women entrepreneurs are characterized by the forced start of entrepreneurial activity, the possibility of prolongation of which is inextricably linked with the personal characteristics of the leader. The entrepreneurship of the middle and younger age groups is associated with the accumulation of human and social capital and entry into the market through the accessible niche. For them the protocols and hierarchies are less important but a reliable system of financial compensation and the possibility of personal growth present significant motivational factors.

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