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Korchagin S. A. The analysis of the tendencies in the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational sphere. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 37-42. DOI:

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The analysis of the tendencies in the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the educational sphere

The article discusses the main trends in the field of artificial intelligence in relation to the educational sphere. The analysis of the use of artificial intelligence technologies and their impact on the higher education system was carried out. The attitude of the citizens of the Russian Federation to artificial intelligence in education was investigated. The main reasons for the fears of the respondents about the use of intelligent information systems in the educational sphere were identified. The proposals for the implementation of the models and methods of artificial intelligence in the higher education system of the Russian Federation were developed. The potential of the possibilities of the influence of new information technologies on the modern society was indicated.

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