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Yarskaya-Smirnova V. N. The Contradictions of Urban Social Time: The Discourses of Inclusion and Deinstitutialization (Problem Statement). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 242-249. DOI:

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The Contradictions of Urban Social Time: The Discourses of Inclusion and Deinstitutialization (Problem Statement)

The image of time in a new way is associated with the beginning of inclusion in the modern culture of the urban community. The article analyzes the category of social time of the city in terms of its correlation with the concepts of inclusion, deinstitutionalization and social policy. The author’s idea is aimed at identifying temporal and social tools for the formation of a higher level of social justice, integration, reducing social inequality within society in order to achieve greater stability and cohesion. The possibility of integration into the temporality of society is a fundamental right of a just and democratic society’ citizen , so inclusive culture includes a mandatory condition of citizenship. As a cross-cutting case, the article considers examples of inclusion in childhood policy and deinstitutionalization processes. Matching urban projects with individual and group temporalities can be a tool for permanent prevention of discrimination, although today the illusions of the demise of classes, the triumph of a society of prosperity are questioned. Observed increases in inequality, decreases chances of disabled people and orphans, shrinks, shortens the childhood. The nonformation of inclusive culture and temporal representations in the Russian community acts as a barrier, complicates the construction of social cohesion of urban social and professional groups. Social time of the city can become the basis of social policy of the new format, focused on heterogeneous and special groups of the community, the Ideology of citizenship as an approach to social cohorts, the policy of disability, childhood and orphanhood. The urbanism accent is on the processes of deinstitutionalization, inclusion as conditions of designunity, integral characteristics of the urban community, the aspiration for equality of rights and opportunities.


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