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Ivchenkov S. G., Saiganova E. V., Shahmatova N. V. The dynamics of Saratov youth social well-being: Employment, values and fears. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 51-59. DOI:

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The dynamics of Saratov youth social well-being: Employment, values and fears

The article on the results of sociological monitoring conducted by questionnaire in Saratov in 2019 and 2020 (the volume of the probabilistic quota sample was 546 and 548 representatives of the younger generation, respectively), reveals the main parameters of the social well-being of young people and shows their dynamics in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is revealed that the relative stability is observed in the labor sphere as a whole. However, the confidence of young people in the demand for the obtained specialty decreased. At the same time, the paternalistic orientations of the younger generation are growing, seeking to obtain state support in employment. Family happiness traditionally remains the leading value of young people. At the same time, the value of health increased. The family values of young people are quite stable and are moving in the direction from situationality to strengthening the importance of a broad interpretation of social well-being. The young people began to experience fear on the street almost two times less and three times less at mass events. But the stress from being at work and in hospitals increased two times more. The fears of the younger generation for the health of the loved ones, the fear of death in the pandemic are the most acute and stable. They are also related to the crime and internal situation in the country increasing the distance between young people and the authorities. The analysis showed that the level of patriotism among young people increased over the year. It is based on the love for the Motherland and pride for the country’s great achievements. At the same time, the respect for the law and civil culture strengthened. However, the readiness to defend the country with weapons in hand and faith in the great future of the country decreased indicating the presence of pessimistic moods among young people. In general, despite the serious changes in the social environment associated with the coronavirus, young people, although they are worried, are becoming more active and look towards the future with hope.

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