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Korogodova N. П., Zaуtsev D. V., Zaitseva O. V. The effectiveness of social services in the implementation of psychological, pedagogical and socio-cultural services in the process os disabled children’s inclusion into society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 29-36. DOI:

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The effectiveness of social services in the implementation of psychological, pedagogical and socio-cultural services in the process os disabled children’s inclusion into society

The article presents the new results of the original empirical study of social attitudes to the effectiveness of the social services in the context of social and educational inclusion of the disabled children. The activity of the social services of Saratov region was analyzed according to the set of the quantitative and qualitative parameters’ order. The specifics of the social assessment of the success of psychological, pedagogical and socio-cultural services’ implementation success in the process of the disabled children’s inclusion into society were considered. The formal inclusive orientation of the social practices on the inclusion of the disabled children into the usual socio-cultural relations and educational environment of the general type with irrelatively low real effectiveness was established. The key constraints are bureaucratization, insufficient funding, and the lack of inclusive competencies of the social service’s representatives

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