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Ponukalin I. А. The Impact of New Digital Technologies on Consumer Behavior: A Regional Perspective. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 68-73. DOI:
The Impact of New Digital Technologies on Consumer Behavior: A Regional Perspective
The article analyzes various aspects of new digital technologies impact on consumer behavior. The necessity of sociological interpretation and understanding of digital reality as a large-scale socioeconomic phenomenon, and the search for social determinants of consumer behavior in these conditions are formulated. It is argued that digital technologies are promising tools for consumer behavior social construction. Having a technical embodiment, and, at the same time, being a social object, digital technologies change the usual forms of consumer behavior, and contribute to emerging a new type of practices. In the course of a few years, there has been both a quantitative growth of online shopping consumers and qualitative changes, expressed in the transformation of everyday consumer practices. The author’s research shows that regardless of the place of purchase, whether it is a store or the Internet, the pathway is still built through digital media. Contemporary people are increasingly choosing products or services to help implement the devices, providing the ability to navigate the vast Internet space. It is articulated that in the course of their presence, Internet users generate “digital traces”. Their automatic fixation allows analysts and marketers to build consumer profiles, for example, to create contextual advertising and further design of the necessary models of consumer behavior. It is revealed that such influence is often not realized by consumers. There are no special concerns about the publicity of their private lives or the leakage the of personal data into the network. It is revealed that the representatives of the younger generation – Millennials present the main segment of large urban retail chains consumers and are inextricably linked with personal smartphones that help them in the search for goods.
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