Cite this article as:
Kochetov A. N. The Main Signs of Social Insecurity of Labor in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 268-273. DOI:
The Main Signs of Social Insecurity of Labor in Russia
The article deals with the factors that destroy the social protection of labor in Russia and create social tension and antagonism between the government and the working people. Exploitation of employees is inevitable under any social order, regardless of who exploits them – the private owner or the state, but the main criterion of the socially-oriented state should be the protection of labor. Insecurity is manifested primarily in the following factors: underestimation of the price of labor and violation of the cost of labor law; arbitrariness of employers in the distribution of the wage fund in organizations; discrimination of workers under the admission and dismissal; the spread of borrowed labor.
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