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Sharapov A. V. The participation of young executives in the procedure for competitive filling of the positions of municipalities heads in the Altai Territory 2017–2020. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 84-90. DOI:

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The participation of young executives in the procedure for competitive filling of the positions of municipalities heads in the Altai Territory 2017–2020

The Russian political sphere has witnessed a clear trend towards the rejuvenation of federal and regional heads. Science and practice have proven that young people have innovating thinking, are energetic and more motivated for results. Now at the federal level the corporate style in the implementation of the state personnel policy prevails. The aim of the research is to study the processes of updating executives at the local government level in the Altai Territory. Collection of empirical data by analyzing the results of elections of municipalities heads at the city and district levels using the State Automated System “Elections” (SAS-”Elections”) of the offi cial website of the Election Commission of the Altai Territory and analyzing the lists of candidates for the position of the municipal level on a competitive basis. As of January 1, 2022, the Altai Territory has 708 municipalities. Of these, 58 are municipal districts, 10 urban districts, 7 urban settlements, 632 rural settlements. It ranks 4th in terms of the number of territorial entities in the Russian Federation. In order to objectively reveal trends in the process of rejuvenation of heads of district and city municipalities, the attention was focused on the data of the recent years when municipalities heads were appointed through a competitive procedure and the last fi ve years when direct elections for these positions took place. The category of a young leader includes a citizen of the Russian Federation not older than 35 years. The analysis revealed a slight rejuvenation of executive personnel at the local level over the past four years. The Altai Territory was not fully aff ected by the presented federal trend. The main reason for this trend is the high requirements for young applicants.

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