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Temnova L. V., Popovtseva P. V. The social traumatization factors of doctors’ professional group. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 401-407. DOI:

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The social traumatization factors of doctors’ professional group

The article reveals a sociological approach to the analysis of the concept of collective trauma understood as the destructive, dysfunctional consequences of social transformations concerning large groups of people. Currently, the professional medical community is particularly vulnerable to social trauma and often takes moral responsibility for it. The healthcare reform, begun in 2010, its economic, social, and psychological consequences became the main trigger for the formation and development of such a trauma. The novelty of this study lies in the substantiation of the application of the concept of social trauma concept application for analyzing the personal professional doctors’ activity. The aim of the study is to identify the factors of social traumatization of a social group of doctors. The objectives are: to substantiate special features of the social trauma concept actualization on the example of a professional group of doctors; to rank the identifi ed factors of social traumatization; to determine the reasons for the formation of these factors. The qualitative sociological study using the in-depth interview method, attended by 35 doctors of various specialties, was conducted. The received interview texts were processed by using content analysis. The level of professional burnout of doctors was determined according to K. Maslach’s questionnaire. The socially traumatic factors of the professional activity of doctors were determined: high emotional stress from interactions with patients; the requirement to provide highly professional assistance; the serviceization of society; the level of managerial culture; work mode; rest mode; increasing responsibility for meeting professional standards; limiting the openness and publicity of professional activities; salary; the level of medical personnel training; occupational safety regime. It is concluded that a series of reforms in the Russian healthcare system brought doctors to the need to “fi t in” with new requirements, when moral norms are deformed, and the performance of their professional duties is reduced. Such adaptation to “innovations” led to the formation of a social trauma in the professional medical community.

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