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Petrova T. E., Cherkasova T. V. The students’ social well-being during a pandemic. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 1, pp. 66-72. DOI:

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The students’ social well-being during a pandemic

The social well-being of the Russian students showed how steadfastly this category of youth survived the period of the covid-pandemic peak and the post-covid stage. Mass opinion polls revealed that the new generation mastered the distance learning system, and it properly assessed the prospects for virtual learning. Russian universities adapted to the new distance learning system despite the fact that the professional and educational Internet addiction of students increased. Working students pursuing “remote work”, were included in the state program of self-employment. The overwhelming majority demonstrated civic self-organization and a responsible position in the context of the covid pandemic, they observed safety measures, and the most active provided volunteer assistance to the people in need. It is not a secret that there existed negative consequences from covid self-isolation. They provoked family confl icts among the respondents. The confl icts were overcome by joint eff orts due to the tactics of cooperation between “parents and children”. Thus, the institute of Russian higher education and the institute of the traditional Russian family were able to withstand all the covid-pandemic consequences of 2019–2020. The social well-being of students remained within the limits of the norm. 

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