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Serdyukov K. N. Understanding the Essence of Labor Migration Phenomenon. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 289-295. DOI:

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Understanding the Essence of Labor Migration Phenomenon

The subject of this article is labor migration, isolated from the total volume of all migratory movements. The paper considers the main aspects of the concept of «labor migration» and analyzes the social and legal interpretation of the concept of “migrant worker”. The conclusion is drawn about the absence of their unified definitions in the framework of the international law. A general classification system of labor migration is proposed on the basis of a characteristic set of variable signs expressing the nature of this phenomenon, which allows to clearly identify, and isolate the type of migration in question, clarifying its defining characteristic. Some of the presented types of labor migration are analyzed in detail. First of all, it is proposed to turn to the analysis of two main types of labor migration – external and internal. While describing external labor migration, the aspects of its positive and negative consequences are highlighted both for donor and recipient countries. A detailed description of illegal migration and its special form, as a part of this work fundamental category, is given. It is emphasized that the illegal status of a migrant is determined by the fact that they violate the laws of the state of arrival within the concepts: “entry”, “residence”, “activity”. The main methods of combating illegal migration are presented. The attention is paid to intellectual migration, as well as its special form, which has a recurring nature. The fundamental nature of the labor migration phenomenon is emphasized, considering it at the mega-level, above all, as an integral part of the world economy, international integration, and the development process of countries and regions as a whole. In conclusion, the article highlights the need for clear identification of labor migration on the basis of such basic criteria as voluntariness, temporality, as well as the main goal of the subject (work in another region or country).


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