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Nazarova R. Z., Zolotarev M. V. Verbal Tactics of Persuasion in Contemporary Russian Electoral Discourse (The Study of the Presidential Campaign 2017–2018). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 394-399. DOI:

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Verbal Tactics of Persuasion in Contemporary Russian Electoral Discourse (The Study of the Presidential Campaign 2017–2018)

Mass media are quite frequently used to influence the audience in the contemporary world. That is why the necessity to create a credible mechanism against the undesirable linguistic manipulation causes the research works of this kind. Hence, the use of communicative strategies and speech tactics in discourses of various kinds is widely investigated nowadays. This research is aimed at investigating verbal tactics that are used by Russian politicians in the course of the electoral campaign at their meetings with potential voters. The article is devoted to the results of the analysis of the Russian electoral discourse based on the candidates’ meetings with the voters in the course of the Presidential campaign 2017–2018. The research using the method of discourse analysis describes the primary tactics of persuasion that were utilized by the Russian politicians to attract plenty of votes. The spectrum of tactics appears to depend on the main strategy the candidate has chosen to win votes. In addition to the verbal tactics of persuasion, the research identifies and describes several tactics to shorten the distance between the author of the discourse and its addressee. The results enhance understanding of the means of linguistic manipulation used in modern Russian political discourse as well as they might be used to teach various University courses, e.g. communication theory, political science.


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