
Contemporary youth family values

The problem of value orientations of the younger generation, including family values, attracts considerable attention of researchers, since they form the core of values of young people, occupying leading positions in the structure of basic value orientations. A certain type of relationship and upbringing is built within the family circle where traditions and life experience are passed on.

Values of Russian youth in the social and ethno-cultural context (On the example of the focus groups in the Saratov and Samara regions)

The article presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of the phenomenon of youth values in the context of social and ethno-cultural transformations of Russian society. The results of focus groups conducted with the youth of the Saratov and Samara regions aged 18 to 35 showed the contexts of the manifestation of terminal values – family, health, self-development, freedom and personal and professional self-realization, acting as the basic guidelines of the younger generation and the characteristics of the relationship to ethnocultural diff erences.

Russia’s space and border in the value dimension

The article reveals the understanding of space and the state border as a national value of Russia. As a result of historical development, due to the presence of a constant threat to the country and the resource mobilization for its protection, the citizens of Russia have formed a sustainable defense consciousness and understanding of the border as a sacred value. The article raises the question of further understanding of the problem.

The values in the system of a Russian serviceman’s of the family social culture

Theoretical, methodological, and empirical substantiation of the problem of values’ development of a serviceman’s family after the implementation of the civil-military relations reform in Russia in 2012 is presented. On the basis of the study from the sociological survey “Family Culture of the Russian Servicemen”, the trends in updating family values in the post-reform period are revealed.

Basic Factors of Formation of Patriotic Mood at Young Generation in Modern Social Conditions

The article deals with the actual problems of Patriotic education of young people, the change of value orientations under the influence of external factors. The perspectives of the youth patriotism education development reveal the basic concepts of patriotism and the modern interpretation and the main factors in the Patriotic moods’ formation among the young generation under modern social conditions are highlighted.

Social Wellbeing of Residents of the Provincial Cities Case

In article the basic reasons of low level of social well-being of the Russian province are established. Social well-being – a basic integration indicator of a way of life of people. Assessment of social well-being of inhabitants of a country town was carried out on the example of Penza by a set of criteria: basic values of inhabitants, economic situation, the most significant problems of the region, international relations, zdorovyesberegatelny behavior.

Peculiarities of the Implementation of Criminal Behavior in the Adolescent Environment: Regional Aspect

This article discusses the characteristics of the manifestation of criminal behavior of youth on the territory of Saratov region. The analysis and study of the main motivations in the Commission of crimes, we study the value orientations of young people.

Theoretical and Methodological Substantiation of Value Orientations in the Concepts of Classical Western Sociology

The article deals with theoretic and methodological features of a sociological interpretation of values and value orientations in line with the concepts of Western scientific schools representatives. This paper analyzes the fundamental concepts of E. Durkheim, M. Weber, P. Sorokin and others. In addition, the article raises the importance of Western theoretical approaches and their role in the development of values in the context of social science.

Ценностные ориентации военнообязанных запаса современных Вооруженных сил РФ

В статье анализируется влияние отдельных ценностных ориентаций военнообязанных запаса на мобилизационную готовность 
Вооруженных сил РФ.


Лингвопрагматический аспект формирования системы ценностей в политическом дискурсе

В предлагаемой работе ставится задача выявить признаки процесса формирования системы ценностей в общественном сознании. Исследование проводится путем анализа языковых средств,
используемых в массовой коммуникации для построения современного общественно-политического дискурса, то есть особого способа обобщения и понимания окружающего мира. Исследования дискурсов разных языковых общностей позволяют выявить различные способы понимания мира, обнаружить конфликтные области и точки соприкосновения и взаимопонимания.
