
Value orientations of youth and regional security

The article analyzes results of an online survey (N = 2021) of young people (aged from 14 to 35 years) living in the Saratov region. The author summarizes answers related to the respondents’ value orientation. It is concluded that the value identifi cation and orientation of young people are infl uenced by the safe conditions of functioning of regional society, as well as global political events.

The Development of Anti-corruption Policy as a Factor of Integration of Modern Russian Society

This article examines legal anti-corruption policy and its integration potential to the society. Examines the civil society Institute as part of an effective anti-corruption policy and its role in the fight against corruption.Analyzes the concept of anti-corruption policy and its components, corruption and its negative social consequences.

Сorruption as a Social Problem

The article is devoted to corruption in modern society. Seen as a social phenomenon, which has systemic qualities, and therefore to fight against it is only possible based on the political will of the government and the support of the people.

Corruption as a Social Phenomenon

The article is devoted to corruption in modern society. In the work given different definitions of corruption. The author considers corruption as a social phenomenon that has a clearly expressed system of the quality.

Soviet and Modern Russian Innovative Projects: Similarities and Differences

The article presents a comparative analysis of Soviet and modern Russian innovative projects on various grounds, said the reasons for the success of the strategic defense of innovations during the Soviet period and the modest achievements of modern innovative institutions of the Russian Federation and development in them. Also it addresses the issue of the loss in recent decades innovations of the Soviet period and referred to the need to revive the Soviet experience in this area.