
The Public Control at the Political System of the Russian Region: Problems and Prospects of Development

The article analyzes the current state and prospects of political institutionalization of public control in the regions of the Russian Federation. The author highlights key areas and problematic aspects of the participation of public institutions in shaping the political space of the region, assesses trends in the development of the political and legal mechanism of interaction between civil society and government in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and formulates proposals aimed at increasing the effectiveness of public control subjects.

Problems of Democracy Functionality: Methodological Approaches to the Study

The main objective of this article is to identify the features and causes of non-compliance/distortion of the basic principles and values of democracy as the main problem of its improper functioning. The analysis is based on the study and comparison of classical and modern works on democracy, which touch upon the interaction of democracy with the media, the elite and capitalism, in order to systematize approaches to the study of the problems of its functionality.

Confucianism’s Impact on Peculiarities of Establishing and Developing of the Civil Society’s Analogous Form in the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region

The present article is concerned with the influence of Confucian political tradition on peculiarities of establishing and development of the civil society’s analogous form in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The author shows that Confucian norms lying at the heart of the Asian values laid down the foundation for social and interpersonal interactions and specifics of state-authority relations, defined the bases of political culture and gained the state ideology status. This region’s model of civil society, its features and variations from the Western «ideal» are analyzed.

The Issue of Freedom and Equality Correlation in the Political Theory of A. de Tocqueville

The scientific tradition of A. de Tocqueville has been the subject matter of many studies. However, many Tocquevillian ideas have been misrepresented. This article tries to make some corrections over the essential part of Tocqueville’s democratic theory, which refers, in particular, to the issue of freedom and equality correlation. That goal is expected to be reached in context of defining and partially redefining the political-ideological portrait of de Tocqueville and, thus, through revealing some reservations in that regard.

Analogous Forms of Civil Society (Exemplified by African Countries)

The author considers analogous forms of civil society in countries of the South exemplified by African states. Foundation, development, specifics, and peculiarities of civil society in this region of the world are analyzed. It is stated that burgeoning civil society models of non-Western areal have their own specific features, which are determined by special character of civilizational development of the countries.

Sociological Ideas A. A. Zinoviev: Modern Look

The article discusses the main activities of the unique Russian scientist A. A. Zinoviev, philosopher, sociologist and macro-sociologist.

«Discomfort» of Modern Democratic Social and Political Systems’ Development and the Problem of «Comfort» Alternative

The article is about analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic problems, threats, and risks contemporary social and political systems are facing. The author is looking for the new world order model capable of neutralizing of the modern world controversies through providing comfort conditions for the life and development of contemporary societies.

Strong Power as the Constant of Russian Politics: the Methodology of Ivan Ilyin and Modernity

The article deals with the methodological approaches to social and political transformations of modern Russian society by means of views the Great Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin (1883–1954). The main emphasis is laid on the role of the political power in the system modernization of modern Russia.