
Political and Administrative Elites: Genesis, Problems of Current Development

Based on the results of panel expert surveys conducted on the eve of the First (2013) and Second (2016) All-Russian Elitological Congresses, the authors analyze the role and importance of contemporary Russian regional elites. Experts’ predisposition to the Russian elites is shown, dynamics of elites’ quality transformation is evaluated, and steps to conduce inter-elite interaction and development of leadership are pinpointed. Tendencies of the modern regional elites’ existence are named, general conclusions are formulated.

Technology Policy of the Regional Political Processes in the North Caucasus

The methodological base, problems and peculiarities of political control in the North Caucasus. We study the ethno-political situation in the region, the political elites and other actors. We highlight some of the causes of political tensions in the region, to develop mechanisms for decisions and recommendations.

Региональное политическое лидерство в понимании журналистов и руководителей пресс-служб Ульяновской области

В статье представлены особенности восприятия феномена регионального политического лидерства журналистами и руководителями пресс-служб Ульяновской области.