Finno-Ugric world

Harmonising Interethnic and Interfaith Relations in Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation (on the Example of Mordovia Republic)

The article deals with the experience and results of the nationalcultural development of the Republic of Mordovia, where ethnic, confessional and cultural diversity exist and state national policy is implemented successfully. The features of formation of ethnic and national-civil identity in the region are revealed.

Features of Images of «Finno-Ugric» Republics in a Political Discourse of Public Authorities (on an Example of Republics Marii El, Mordovia and the Udmurt Republic)

The subject of the investigation performed with the method of the analysis of discourses of the official documents presented on sites of republics Marii El, Mordovia and the Udmurt republic authorities is a problem of ethnization of political discourse in the process of formation of a public image of republics in the beginning of XXI century According to the author, the degree of republican policy of identity ethnization depends not on the constitutional status of republic or ethnic structure of the population but mainly from economic potential of republics and ability of local elite to acc