
Value of justice in the perception of modern youth

The article analyzes results of an online survey (N = 519) and focus group interviews (N = 36) of young people (aged between 14 and 35) living in the Saratov region. The author summarizes answers to an open question about the way respondents understand social justice. Key elements of justice are highlighted and ranked. The results obtained are compared with the ideological preferences of the respondents.

Orientations of the Provincial Constituents in Anticipation of the 2016 Elections: Attitude to Elections, Politicians, and Political Parties (Analysis of the Massive Social Surveys and Focus-group Investigations’ Results)

The authors analyze the results of the massive social surveys and focus-group investigations conducted in November-December, 2015 in municipal districts of Saratov region which are the parts of Saratov district constituency. People’s informational preferences, their attitude to the government, politicians, and elections were probed. Specific recommendations on elaborating electoral strategies in the run-up to the State Duma elections have been formulated.

Information Preferences, Current Problems’ Evaluation, and Attitude to the Government of the Provincial Constituents in Anticipation of the Federal Parliamentary Elections (Analysis of the Massive Social Surveys and Focus-group Investigations’ Results)

The authors analyze the results of the massive social surveys and focus-group investigations conducted in November–December, 2015 in municipal districts of Saratov region which are the parts of Saratov district constituency. People’s informational preferences, their attitude to the government, politicians, and elections were probed. Specific recommendations on elaborating electoral strategies in the run-up to the State Duma elections have been formulated.