городская среда

Atomic CATF as a special type of monotown: Prospects and problems of development

The article deals with the features of closed nuclear cities (CATF), identifying the environmental features. The problem of CATF is the completion of the Soviet atomic project, and the need of formating CATF. The development prospects of CATF are seen in rebooting and developing the industrial potential in the direction of nuclear energy technologies and science-intensive industrie.

Sociological Foundations for the Reflexy on Favorable Urban Environment in Youth Public Opinion

The article deals with modern urbanization process leading to the transformation not only of the socio-economic characteristics of the territorial community, but also changing the population’s perception of life quality in urban environment. A public opinion poll conducted among the youth of the city of Saratov revealed the main tendencies in urban policy, namely: the city should provide such an environment in which people will want to live. The paper identifies the main factors that, in the opinion of the respondents, make the urban environment favorable.

Social Value of Modern Projects of Developing Urban Environment

The article deals with the results of numerous researches made by Center of Regional Sociological Research of Saratov State University. This was the basis for validating the social value of one of the modern projects of developing urban environment.