гражданская нация

The Phenomenon of Nationalism in a Multi-Ethnic Environment

The article considers the phenomenon of nationalism in a multi-ethnic environment from the point of view of various approaches. The idea is substantiated that in modern multi-ethnic states it is customary to single out civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism. The main causes of the surge of nationalism in different historical periods, the main theoretical and methodological approaches that explain the nature of nationalism are highlighted.

The Role of Ethno-Politics in the Formation of the Russian Civil Nation

The article considers the role of ethnopolitics in the design of a new Russian civil nation. The idea is substantiated that the problem of the formation of a civil nation in Russia is caused by the problem of the coincidence of two identities – national (universal) and ethnic. The role of ethnicity as a self-sufficient political resource is noted. The process of nation-building, features of ethno-political education are analyzed. The need to shift the emphasis in the implementation of Russian ethnopolitics is emphasized.

Fundamentals of the Ideology of Nation Building in Modern Russia: The Approaches of Political Parties

The article explores the positions of Russian political parties on the ideological basis of nation building in Russia. The vulnerability of this measure is emphasized, taking into account domestic experience and modern realities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of program documents of parties participating in parliamentary election campaigns. The multilayeredness of the corresponding interpretations is shown in the selection of the two main approaches.