гражданский патриотизм

The image of patriotism and civil-patriotic orientations of youth

The article makes an attempt to determine the structure of ideas about patriotism and their influence on the civil-patriotic orientations of modern youth. The empirical basis of the study was the data of the questionnaire survey of Tyumen youth of age from 16 to 30 years (N = 1364). When processing the data the ranking method, contingency table analysis and cluster analysis were used. As a result, six homogeneous groups of respondents were identifi ed. They show diff erent ideas about patriotism.

The Mythological and the Factual within the Technology of Patriotic Upbringing

Article analyzes tendency of the return of post-Soviet mass consciousness to the idea of patriotic education of citizens as a technology that provides a pre-planned result. An explanation is offeredof the reasonswhy attempts by state and public institutions to follow this idea in their public activities often lead to an unplanned result, to the spread of nationalistic sentiments in civil society.