
The impact of China’s “soft power” policy in the Asia-Pacifi c region

The article deals with topical issues of the implementation of China’s “soft power” policy in the Asia-Pacifi c region. The growing infl uence of China’s public diplomacy is demonstrated by the example of state programs of technological and economic development integrating tools of interaction with the governments of the Asia-Pacifi c states. The conclusion is made about the growing infl uence of China’s promotional policy to strengthen its diplomatic positions in the Asia-Pacifi c region in overcoming the negative consequences of the crisis associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some issues of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic

The article is devoted to the consideration of the reasons and a number of areas of cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic region. The importance of this region for Russia and China is analyzed. The advantages of the Arctic for the two countries in terms of territory, economy, and politics are revealed. The conclusion is made about the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and the exacerbation of the crisis of political and economic relations between China, Russia, and the United States.

Antinomies of the strategic cultures of the West and the East (On the example of Germany, France, and China)

Strategic culture, as a phenomenon and a concept, was not taken seriously for a long time. Today, western researchers understand that strategic culture has a direct impact on political decision-making process in foreign policy. The study of the strategic culture of France, Germany, and China can help to optimize the Russian policy on the world stage.

Approaches to Understanding the Terrorism Phenomenon and a Comparative Analysis of Its Definition in Key Jurisdictions of the World

The authors analyze terrorism from the point of view of definitions in the national jurisdictions of the USA, China, EU, and Russia. They also compare approaches to determine key features of this phenomenon in the papers of the most cited researchers of terrorism. National counterterrorism policies are governed by national laws, which depend on the doctrinal basics of the definition of terrorism. The authors use such methods as content analysis and comparative analysis of legislations to identify important aspects of these doctrinal foundations for USA, China, EU, and Russia.

Современная теория Мо о взглядах Китая на суверенитет

В статье автор исследует изменения, происходящие в китайском дискурсе о суверенитете, сравнивает теоретические подходы к вестфальскому идеалу суверенитета  на Западе и в Китае, анализирует влияние, которое оказывали исторические условия на понимание Китаем этой нормы международных отношений.