The leading “left” Russian parties on the eve of State Duma election-2021

Stances of “Communist Party of the Russian Federation” and “Fair Russia” as two main left parties on the eve of State Duma election-2021 are considered in the article. Based on the analysis of CPRF leaders’ reaction to January protest campaign, the author concludes that there are some signs of crisis within the party and pinpoints reasons of communists’ inability to crucially change their image and electoral resources for the upcoming election.

Post-Soviet Communist State Designing

Main directions and features of communist political designing in post-soviet Russia are considered in the article. Having analyzed theoretical, program, and electoral materials of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the author makes an inference that modern communist leaders try to synthesize two “sovereign” projects of statebuilding – imperial and soviet ones. This project departs from class and ideological evaluations that are usual for communists.

Стратегия и тактика КПРФ в избирательных циклах в современной России

Вв статье рассмотрены проблемы стратегии и тактики одной из ведущих оппозиционных сил современной России – КПРФ – в