молодежная политика

Political strategies of youth: Will our politics be young?

The article reflects dispositions, factorial models of choice, life strategies in the field of political trajectories of modern Russian youth on the basis of the empirical sociological research. The author’s typology of political dispositions of youth showing the importance of political aspirations in the ranks of life values, is given. The problematic issues in the implementation of the Russian youth policy regarding the support of political activity and political literacy of Russian youth, the development of their electoral interest and activity are identified.

Russian models of interaction between state authorities and youth associations

Based on the analysis of the interaction of state authorities with youth associations in the 1990s–2000s, the authors conclude that engagement in such structures provides an opportunity to involve young people in social, economic, and political processes in the regions through project and regulatory activities. Expediency of activating such activities is justified, since it is in the process of such interaction that an active civil position of young people is formed.

Youth: Subject-Object Status in the System of Municipal Youth Policy

The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the subject-object status and involvement of young people in the processes of political, social, and economic development of a municipality. The starting point of the research is the assumption that the traditional approach to youth as a socio-demographic group, distinguished by socio-age and professional characteristics, does not correspond to the current dynamics of political processes occurring in municipalities and regions.

The Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Political Socialization of Young People

In article participation of Russian Orthodox Church in political socialization of modern youth in Russia is analyzed. Characteristics of forms and methods of church youth policy with which the ROC expands are distinguished and deepens the religious influence on youth, at the same time promoting process of assimilation by the person of the values and regulations leading to forming of the qualities and properties allowing to adapt in this political system and to carry out political roles and functions.

Концептуальные подходы к определению государственной политики по борьбе с девиантным поведением молодежи

В статье дается характеристика видов девиации в молодежной среде, рассматриваются основные способы ее профилактики, проводится их классификация, а также выявляются основные
принципы государственной политики в сфере борьбы с девиантным поведением молодежи.

Информационное обеспечение молодёжной политики в Краснодарском крае

В статье речь идёт об информационном обеспечении деятельности органов власти, реализующих молодёжную политику в Краснодарском крае, и построении единого молодёжного информационного пространства. Проанализированы особенности молодёжной среды в Краснодарском крае и определена роль СМИ в формировании у молодёжи устойчивых преставлений о политике.

Типология студенческой прессы России начала XXI века

В статье дается опыт типологии современной российской студенческой периодики, входящей в общую систему печатных средств массовой информации России XXI в. Выделяется семь аудиторно-целевых и десять территориальных разновидностей существующих сегодня студенческих газет и журналов.

The Substance and Social Functions of the Student Self-governance Institution

This article analyses the phenomenon of student self-governance in terms of the sociological approach. The term «student self-governance » considers three approaches: student self-governance as the independent activity of students, student self-governance as the form of educational work, student self-governance as the youth policy, and also in this article refers to the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. The author emphasizes the idea that the student self-governance is an important factor of civil society development in Russia.