национальная безопасность

Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations of the Russian Federation Policy to Counteract Extremism Within Modern Migration Processes

The paper discusses basic reasons and peculiarities of the extremism within modern migration processes. The author offered theoretical and conceptual framework for the policy of the Russian Federation aimed at counteracting this destructive and socially dangerous phenomenon.

Theoretical and Methodological Interpretation of the Concept of National Security in the Political Science and Practice

The article reveals different approaches to the definition of the concept of “national security”. Among them the author distinguishes the approach based on the protection of the environment inbyte, dignity, values, personality, social groups, the state, society, civilization as a whole; approach is based on activity on the identification, prevention, weakening, elimination and the reflection of hazards and threats; a system approach and others.

Price of Labor as the Factor of National Security

Is revealed the content of the concept of social and economic safety, which enters into the general theory of national security. The dependence of the state of the indicated safety on the social policy of state in the sphere of the formation of the price of labor is shown. It proves, that the understating of the price of labor and the low wage of the series skilled workers forms social polarization and injustice, which leads to the socio-class antagonism and is created the threat of national security.

Political Crowdsoursing in the System of Ensuring National Security of Russia

In the article an assessment of political crowdsourcing as technology of civil participation for the prevention and suppression of threats to security of the state is given, the network projects promoting the solution of problems of protection of national interests are analysed, the role of crowdsourcing projects in modernization of system of national security of Russia is revealed.

Priority Areas of Functioning of the Main Regional Information and Analysis Centers (RIAC) of the Russian Federation

The article discusses the functioning of the main priorities of the regional information and analytical center of the Russian Federation. Attention is drawn to the fact that the priorities of regional information and analysis centers perform analytical processing of information and the provision of informal and formal information communications; search for information about problems Sources

Institutional Framework Ensure the Territorial Security Concerns of Russian Federation Subjects and Municipal Levels

The paper analyzes the legal framework and practical aspects of the formation of the institutional framework to ensure territorial security in the Russian Federation and municipalities. As a key institutional framework to ensure territorial security discussed regional and municipal legal acts primarily targeted programs approved by them on security issues, as well as functioning in the regions and local governments territorial security, subordinate organizations and appropriate coordination structures.

Казачество как фактор межнациональной стабильности России в контексте современной геополитки (СТАТЬЯ ОТОЗВАНА РЕДАКЦИЕЙ 05.09.2019)

(СТАТЬЯ ОТОЗВАНА РЕДАКЦИЕЙ 05.09.2019) Основной целью российского казачества в создавшихся геополитических условиях противостояния России и коалиции стран НАТО является сохранение территориальной целостности Российской Федерации. используя опыт совместного проживания с народами Северного Кавказа, Юга России и Поволжья, глубоко понимая их обычаи и культурные традиции, казаки оказывают значимое влияние на межнациональные отношения в регионах с полиэтничным составом населения.