
The place and role of national and cultural organizations in the political space of Saratov border zone

The article analyzes the influence of ethnic factor in the post-Soviet space using the example of the Saratov region. On the basis of a public survey conducted in eight districts of the region, the activities of national and cultural organizations as subjects of civil society and the regional political process are considered. Their interaction with the authorities, difficulties, and contradictions arising in the process of implementing the programs and goals of national and cultural organizations are studied.

The Phenomenon of Nationalism in a Multi-Ethnic Environment

The article considers the phenomenon of nationalism in a multi-ethnic environment from the point of view of various approaches. The idea is substantiated that in modern multi-ethnic states it is customary to single out civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism. The main causes of the surge of nationalism in different historical periods, the main theoretical and methodological approaches that explain the nature of nationalism are highlighted.

The Concept “Nationalism” in the Sociological Discourse

The article is devoted to the problem of methodological reflection of the concept “nationalism” considered through the prism of “sociological sign” of Russian intellectual heritage. The subject is actualized by the care for national interests and dignity of modern Russia, by the creation of state projects, which are due to become national pride of the Russians “broadcasting” to the outer everyday world the concept “nationalism”, ambiguous for socio-cultural judgment.

The Mythological and the Factual within the Technology of Patriotic Upbringing

Article analyzes tendency of the return of post-Soviet mass consciousness to the idea of patriotic education of citizens as a technology that provides a pre-planned result. An explanation is offeredof the reasonswhy attempts by state and public institutions to follow this idea in their public activities often lead to an unplanned result, to the spread of nationalistic sentiments in civil society.

Social Mobilization of Ethnic Groups: the Main Stages and Factors

The paper discusses process social mobilization of ethnic groups. The author identifies the main factors of mobilization and assesses the degree of intensity and efficiency of each of them on all stages of the process of social mobilization of ethnic groups.

Counteraction to Nationalism in the Conditions of Realization of Policy of State Security of the Russian Federation

In the article the comparative analysis the practician of realization of a security policy (USA, Japan, Russia) is carried out. Domestic experience of counteraction to nationalism in the conditions of safety at the international, state and regional levels is presented. Regional features of implementation of target programs in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation as tool of effective national policy are defined.

Features of National Discourse in the Activity of the Political Party «United Russia»

This article explores the use of elements of Russian nationalism in the discourse of the Russian political party «United Russia». Analyzes the reasons for «rotation» of the party in the direction of the national subjects, the main features of its implementation in the activities of the party, the ideological content of the party’s discourse, as well as the possible consequences of the mainstreaming of the national problem in the country».