политическая игра

The Game of Politics vs. the Political Game: Posing a Problem (Part 2)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in social and political space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people. The author reveals the key features of the resource potential of gaming technologies and highlights the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of gaming activities.

The Game of Politics vs. the Political Game: Posing a Problem (Part 1)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in the sociopolitical space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people. The author reveals key features of the essential content of the categories of «game» and considers the basic conditions for the transition from game to reality, to the sociopolitical reality, detailing specific possibilities for making that transition. 

Теоретико-методологические подходы к анализу игровых технологий: социально-политический аспект

В статье рассматриваются основные теоретико-методологические подходы к определению «игровые технологии» исходя из социально-политической детерминированности данной категории. В работе анализируется политическая составляющая игровых моделей, обозначаются их основные виды, формы и функции, а также систематизируются исследования игровых практик в социально-политической сфере.