политические ценности

Ideological preferences of youth as a factor of perceptions of the desired future of Russia

The article considers results of a representative social survey (N = 2021) and focus groups conducted in November 2022 on the issues of value motivation of young people’s attitude to the main directions of state policy in modern Russia. Based on the analysis of the received materials, the structure of the ideological preferences of various age groups of Russian youth, their influence on the perception of the current state of the main directions of domestic and foreign policy and ideas about the desired future of political and socio-economic development of Russia was revealed.

Scientifi c view on the values of modern Russian youth: Why has not a complete picture been formed yet?

The publication presents the author’s explanation of the reason why the picture of the value political orientations of young people, created by the eff orts of many domestic researchers, does not look holistic and convincing enough to be used as an indisputable argument when choosing directions and methods for implementing state youth policy. The problem is not that diff erent researchers build a hierarchy of values in diff erent ways, to which the minds of young people are oriented.

Social Media as a Tool for the Formation of the Political Picture of the World of Modern Youth (Examplefied by Nizhny Novgorod Region)

The article is based on the material of applied research conducted among students of N. Novgorod, studying the political values of young people developing in the communicative space of social media, the role of network space in shaping the value picture of the world of youth, taking into account the logic of development and functioning of virtual space, its features and principles. The specifics of the impact of social media on the political consciousness (perception) of youth is analyzed, the methodological basis of which was the theory of social networks, P.

Актуальные политические проблемы глазами жителей Саратовской области (результаты социологических опросов)

В статье представлены аналитические обобщения материалов социологических опросов, проведенных лабораторией политических исследований кафедры политических наук. Дана оценка основным ценностным ориентациям населения, выявлен уровень поддержки конкретных российских политических партий, охарактеризованы основные идеологические предпочтения различных социальных групп.