
Психологическое обеспечение взаимодействия социолога с заказчиком

В статье  рассматриваются  психологические  факторы,  способствующие установлению контакта и повышению уровня доверия заказчика к социологу. анализируется процесс взаимного психологического влияния, осуществляемый в процессе их общения.


Career Sociology: the Problem of Employment

The article considers the employment of sociological department graduates which is a most relevant issue today. It highlights and describes typical discrepancies between the graduates’ expectations and job offers at the employment market. The author considers the most popular positions occupied by the sociologically educated young people and also studies national and foreign experience of interconnection between sociological education and employers. As a result current problems have been identified and ways to effectively employ sociologists have been found.