
Military sciences and the science of war in the understanding of Russian and Austrian researchers

The article is a review of the bilingual collective monograph “Military Sciences versus War Science in Austria and Russia (Militärwissenschaften versus Wissenschaft über Krieg in Österreich und Russland)”. The monograph under review is the result of a Russian-Austrian scientifi c seminar on problems of war and military science. Book consists of two sections. In the fi rst section, the authors of the monograph consider a number of methodological and ideological problems of the war.

On the issue of current political and strategic lessons of the First World War

The article analyzes the contents of a monograph on the problems of war and peace and the ьfunctioning of societies in conditions of political transformations of the First World War. The paper assesses the authors` conceptual vision of the consequences of the use of military force in international relations, the subsequent social changes and the possibilities of developing political strategies and projects taking into account historical experience.

Strategy Territorial Labor Mobility of Graduates in Russia and Kazakhstan

The article considers the nature of the strategy territorial labor mobility of graduates of Russia and Kazakhstan in the framework of the comparative analysis. Strategy is defined as a factor influencing the attitude to their specialty, to move to another place, the level of awareness, self-esteem level of their competence, the importance of work, professional expectations and are desired salary.

Strategy Territorial Labor Mobility of Graduates in Russia and Kazakhstan

The article considers the nature of the strategy territorial labor mobility of graduates of Russia and Kazakhstan in the framework of the comparative analysis. Strategy is defined as a factor influencing the attitude to their specialty, to move to another place, the level of awareness, self-esteem level of their competence, the importance of work, professional expectations and are desired salary.