
Military sciences and the science of war in the understanding of Russian and Austrian researchers

The article is a review of the bilingual collective monograph “Military Sciences versus War Science in Austria and Russia (Militärwissenschaften versus Wissenschaft über Krieg in Österreich und Russland)”. The monograph under review is the result of a Russian-Austrian scientifi c seminar on problems of war and military science. Book consists of two sections. In the fi rst section, the authors of the monograph consider a number of methodological and ideological problems of the war.

To the Question of “Semantic Adequacy” of Historical Memory about the Civil War

The article is devoted to methodological reflection everyday ideas about the Civil war in the Russia, viewed through the prism of historical memory. Analyzed narrative evidence of the mythology of everyday consciousness as a special channel of communion with the past. Notes difference between social facts from their own descriptions using the universal procedural checks regardless of the “perspective” of the researcher.