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Kalugina T. А. Social Adaptation of Nonresident Students to the High School Environment. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 279-286. DOI:

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Social Adaptation of Nonresident Students to the High School Environment

Article based on the results of sociological research method of questioning, reveals the problems of primary and secondary process adaptation of nonresident students to new education and City Wednesday. It is shown that students coming from other cities, better start to navigate the University and urban space, develop new functional competency and the requirements of the educational process, than students who come from rural areas and small settlements. Nonresident boys girls more often faced with the problem of originally more prolonged duration of classes at the University compared with school, difficulties in writing essays, coursework and the necessity of taking notes lectures. Them a bit more difficult to navigate in the calendar makes it harder to adapt to independent living, to the city. A secondary adaptation based on primary and lasts throughout the education of nonresident students, which gradually acquire a willingness to fulfil the high demands of teachers, skills autonomy, self-service self-control, self-study, selforganization, skills to work with a large amount of new information, as well as adequate cooperation in the student team behavior with role expectations of other students and teachers. Despite the initial difficulties, the majority of nonresident students have excellent and good performance, rare (and only with good reason) to skip classes, which testifies to their successful adaptation to the educational process at the University. The survey confirmed that the more students attend classes, so they have better academic performance. Almost every third of nonresident students forced to combine study with work, but only a little more than 10% flow due to this lesson. In other words, the secondary employment students will enhance their adaptive capacity. Nonresident students adapt quickly enough to the new team, make friends with classmates. However, a third of the students are not able to end to get used to the atmosphere in the city. Approximately every fifth well only in their area of residence. The majority of respondents indicated that they know not the whole city.


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