Scientific section. Politology

Civilizational Political Project: Between Civilization Theory and Project Approach

There are many approaches to analyzing global politics within modern scholarship including ideal theoretical models of analysis and empirical approaches. Nevertheless, theoretical and empirical approaches do not allow scholars to interpret some political changes in modern world. Modern politics is in need of a new analytical approach that would combine civilization theory and project approach. The analysis of the value bases of large-scale political projects made us conclude that they are mainly of civilizational character.

Images of the Future within Political Science and Public Discourses of Modern Russia

The article is about the images of Russia’s future presented within scholarly and public discourses in post-Soviet Russia. Based on the analysis of certain projects and scholarly publications, the author concludes that formation of positive image of Russia’s future within public conscience is a matter of competitiveness of the variant promoted by ruling party and ideological variant of the “left” future. Current fragmentation of the “left” segment of party system does not allow relying on its victory on the nearest elections.

Traditional and Normative Bases of the State’s Political Functionality in Modern Russia

The article considers traditional and normative bases of providing the balance between the state’s political functionality and civil society in post-soviet Russia. Exemplified by one of the most important articles of the Russian Constitution, possibility of different interpretation of the social state’s functionality and civil society potential for public problem solving in contemporary Russia is shown.

“Value” as a Prerequisite for the Quality of Modern Political Research (Part One)

The article is the first part of the study aiming at specifying expediency of using the “scholarly research value” criterion while assessing political science dissertations and other papers. The author analyzes reasons why this criterion is of high interest among Russian scholars and experts nowadays. Key problems of filling the notions “value” and “evaluation” with the meaning corresponding to actual goals of political science dissertations, monographs, and articles’ analysis are pinpointed.

About the Structure of Political Ideologies within the Value-Based Convergence of Russian Parties

The main features of using political ideologies in post-Soviet Russia as well as value-based convergence of different parties are considered in the article. The author concludes that value markers, which previously served as tools to identify and draw the lines between various party ideologies, have lost their initial meanings. The reason is that by using information and communication technologies modern parties base themselves upon converged “universal human values”.

Institutional Contradictions in the Relations Between Political Parties and Regional Parliaments of the Russian Federation

In this article, the author assesses the problems of institutionalizing the relations between political parties and Russian regional legislative assemblies. The author highlights the contradictions in the norms and political approaches that should expand party opportunities in the parliamentary activity of the Russian regions. A conclusion was made that there is excessive influence of regional actors on the admission of parties to legislative activity.

The Issue of Crimea as a Factor of Political Stance of Liberal Parties in Modern Russia

Based on analysis of official party documents, public statements, and publications of various leaders of the liberal of Russian party system, the author considers and assesses their views and arguments on the issue of Crimea within domestic and foreign policy of contemporary Russia. The author concludes that in spite of some nuances in liberal politicians’ stances on this problematics, they all agree that Russian government should officially denunciate the act of reunification of Crimea and Russia and delegate the problem of the peninsula’s status to international community.

The Issue of Crimea Within the Russian Scholarships in 2014–2019

The author carries out a wide historiographic review of the main trends within domestic studies on the issue of Crimea for the last five years. Based on the analysis of various stances on different aspects of Russia and Crimea reunification, political nature of these views is revealed and assessed. The inference is made that the majority of scholars adhere to a position reflecting the national interests of modern Russia

Ontological Foundations of Indigenous Policy: Understanding of Nature of the “Special” Interests of Indigenous Peoples of Russian Far North

This paper represents the political aspect of indigenous issue. The authors are trying to answer the question: what are the “special” interests of indigenous peoples and what is their nature? Existing approaches to the study of this problem (i.e. representative political and regulatory) are subjected to a critical review. The authors argue that a key aspect of the political dimension of the indigenous problem lies in the relations that are associated with the rights of indigenous peoples to use land and other natural resources.

Problems of Intercultural Communication in the Conditions of Implementation of Multiculturalism Policy

The article analyzes the problems of intercultural communication in the implementation of multiculturalism policy. In the context of increasing global challenges and threats, the implementation of the policy of multiculturalism in the European Union and the Russian Federation is considered. In the article the comparative analysis of possible scenarios for the future implementation of the policy of multiculturalism in the face of rising global risks (on the basis of models of Chandrana Kukathas).
