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Korobov A. A., Serebryakov S. A. Documentary Movie as a Mean of Political Propaganda: Classical and Innovative Approaches in a Digital Epoch. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 212-217. DOI:

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Documentary Movie as a Mean of Political Propaganda: Classical and Innovative Approaches in a Digital Epoch

The article is devoted to the disclosure of certain aspects of the use of documentary movie as a tool to promote political ideas in modern conditions of development of information and network communications. We consider the classical and innovative techniques, methods and forms of attracting the audience’s attention to documentaries; methods of distribution, advertising, promotion of documentary films; mechanisms that enhance the propaganda effect of movies. A strong accent is made on the contemporary documentaries spectacularity as a key factor of propaganda influence.


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