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Lavrikova A. A. Features of the Functioning of the Electoral Area of Political Participation in the Modern Russian Society. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 325-329. DOI:

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Features of the Functioning of the Electoral Area of Political Participation in the Modern Russian Society

The configuration of the electoral arena of political participation indicates the presence of significant problems in its functioning, among which are the following. Firstly, in Russian society, there was a classification of only one electoral practice — voting, while only a limited number of people mastered other political actions important for the development of this arena. Secondly, there is an ambivalence of ideas about the functionality of elections, which negatively affects the basic trust in this institution. Thirdly, the degree of trust to social and political institutions whose activities are in a certain way connected with the production/replication of electoral political practices remains low (with the exception of the institute of presidency), largely depends on their symbolic value, which is manifested in strengthening the signs of ritualization of elections. Actions taken at the federal, regional, and municipal levels to solve some of these problems are aimed at streamlining the electoral process, including those related to activating civil society control over the electoral process. In its turn, it contributes to the involvement of representatives of local communities in the electoral space in the new role of observers, increasing their political competence and trust in the institution of elections as a whole.


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