political participation

Value and ideological factor of formation of the image of Russia’s future among modern youth (Regional case)

 The article considers results of social survey on the problems of the image of the future in the views of young people, conducted in 2021 in the Saratov region. Based on the analysis of  the materials obtained, the importance of the value and ideological factor in the formation of various representations of the desired image of the political, social, and economic development of the country is revealed.

Features of the Functioning of the Electoral Area of Political Participation in the Modern Russian Society

The configuration of the electoral arena of political participation indicates the presence of significant problems in its functioning, among which are the following. Firstly, in Russian society, there was a classification of only one electoral practice — voting, while only a limited number of people mastered other political actions important for the development of this arena. Secondly, there is an ambivalence of ideas about the functionality of elections, which negatively affects the basic trust in this institution.

Forms of Political Participation: the Problem of Typology

This article offers a new typology of forms of political participation and civic engagement by Martyn Barrett and Bruna Zani based on the analysis of previous theoretical concepts of political participation. In particular, it makes a distinction between traditional forms of political participation and less direct new or latent forms of political participation.