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Muninа О. V. Liminal identity of the COVID generation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 23-28. DOI:

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Liminal identity of the COVID generation

The author’s reflection is aimed at identifying the specifics of the representatives of generation Z (“Homelanders”/“Centenials”/ “Artists”/ “Homebodies”) personal state who relate themselves to specific social communities in the context of the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The remote format of organizing communication and activities affected the mechanisms of socialization, both primary and secondary. The sequential passage of three phases: adaptation, individualization and integration in the context of the pandemic acquired additional characteristics which, in turn, affected the formation of an individual’s identity. The representatives of the middle and older generations (Y, X, Baby boomers) appeared to be in a dissonant state, while Homelanders showed a greater willingness to live in the digital space. The author focuses on the cause-and-effect relationships of this circumstance, insisting on the need to use the “Liminality” category to characterize the identity state of representatives of generation Z, and describes the liminal state itself as “a threshold” and transitional one characterizing the individuals in the conditions of significant individual and social changes. The vector of the research interest involves the operationalization of the concepts and the subsequent comparison of the specifics of the liminal identity with the trends of social movement in the direction of social singularity

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