
The specifics of the functioning of the modern youth identity formation mechanism in a changing social reality

This article off ers a look at the process of identity formation of representatives of generations Z (Homelanders) in a modern reading, taking into account such a challenge as a changing social reality. The rapid informatization of society led to the digitization of the social system and the datifi cation of the living space, which, in turn, aff ected interpersonal interactions and communications which are important for the socialization process.

Self-identification of youth in the Moscow region as a factor of constructing the image of the Russia’s future

The article is based on the study “Political identifi cation of youth in the Moscow region” conducted in May-June 2021 on the basis of the Center for Political Science of the ISPR FCTAS RAS. It describes the features of the political and ideological identifi cation of youth in Moscow and the Moscow region, which are considered as the most important factor in political behavior and civil activity. The authors identifi ed the groups of young people according to their self-identifi cation, based on a civilizational approach.

Social singularity and liminality as the factors of modern youth life

Youth is a social group reproducing both positive experience and negative trends in social transformations. Modern society, in turn, is characterized by complex, contradictory and multidirectional trends. A high proportion of risk and uncertainty gives rise to the social space collapse phenomenon and the of the digital environment expansion up to the formation of the digital reality, leading to the fact that virtual practices are formed alongside real behavioral strategies.

The place and role of national and cultural organizations in the political space of Saratov border zone

The article analyzes the influence of ethnic factor in the post-Soviet space using the example of the Saratov region. On the basis of a public survey conducted in eight districts of the region, the activities of national and cultural organizations as subjects of civil society and the regional political process are considered. Their interaction with the authorities, difficulties, and contradictions arising in the process of implementing the programs and goals of national and cultural organizations are studied.

Liminal identity of the COVID generation

The author’s reflection is aimed at identifying the specifics of the representatives of generation Z (“Homelanders”/“Centenials”/ “Artists”/ “Homebodies”) personal state who relate themselves to specific social communities in the context of the COVID-19 virus pandemic. The remote format of organizing communication and activities affected the mechanisms of socialization, both primary and secondary.

The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the System of Youth’s Patriotic Education and the Mechanism of Civic Identity Formation

The mechanism of the person’s civil identity formation as a whole comprises, among other things, a patriotic component. The aspect of patriotic education of the young generation in the light of the global situation aggravation in the geopolitical arena acquires a special meaning. Besides, many recent investigations emphasized the need of transforming the new generation’s civil-patriotic education system.

Theory of Novorossia within the Crimean Social and Humanitarian Discourses

The article considers the problem of interpretation of the theory of Novorossia within the Crimean social and humanitarian discourses. Opinions of the researchers have been presented. It was shown that the Crimean scholars were able to derive a number of important provisions that are relevant to the theory. They explored the specifics of the study of the space of Novorossia, suggesting the interpretation of its borders.

Education as a Main Factor for National Interests of a State

In this article, the author tries to conceptualize and analyze the educational factor in realizing the national interests of a state. The author applies the method of analytic eclecticism for education complex analysis in the frames of different theoretical concepts. In the system of national interests priorities the author offers to consider the system of education in the context of three interdependent factors: as an instrument of national security; as a main factor for social and economic development; as a mean of political influence (soft power).

Transformation of Language Personality in the Process of Constructing Social Reality in Cyberspace

This article presents characteristics of linguistic personality in the process of construction of social reality in cyberspace. Special attention is paid to such phenomena as «textcentricity» and «discourse practice», shown how linguistic styles and genres which are created in the process of virtual communication, construct social reality of cyberspace.

The Importance of Social Technologies in the Implementation of the Eurasian Integration Project

The article deals with the problems of integration of the Eurasian space associated with the formation of social consciousness, core value, which was the national sovereignty in the post-Soviet states. Today, the issues of integration and independence largely opposed to each other. In this situation, the construction of positive motivation, a single Eurasian identity is a major factor in the successful implementation of the Eurasian project.
