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Muninа О. V. Social singularity and liminality as the factors of modern youth life. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 426-429. DOI:
Social singularity and liminality as the factors of modern youth life
Youth is a social group reproducing both positive experience and negative trends in social transformations. Modern society, in turn, is characterized by complex, contradictory and multidirectional trends. A high proportion of risk and uncertainty gives rise to the social space collapse phenomenon and the of the digital environment expansion up to the formation of the digital reality, leading to the fact that virtual practices are formed alongside real behavioral strategies. The growing digitization and dating of the living space of a modern person actualizes the problem of young people staying in it and requires the analysis of the factors characterizing the life of young people, liminality and singularity being worth noting, first of all. The specific living conditions determine the young people’s consciousness characteristics, their social qualities transition from one into another, mutually complement each other and condition their social activity in the course of development. The latter, filling everyday life as much as possible, form its characteristic ways, channels and individuals’ and social groups’ self-presentation mechanisms.
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