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Muninа О. V. The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the System of Youth’s Patriotic Education and the Mechanism of Civic Identity Formation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 171-174. DOI:

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The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the System of Youth’s Patriotic Education and the Mechanism of Civic Identity Formation

The mechanism of the person’s civil identity formation as a whole comprises, among other things, a patriotic component. The aspect of patriotic education of the young generation in the light of the global situation aggravation in the geopolitical arena acquires a special meaning. Besides, many recent investigations emphasized the need of transforming the new generation’s civil-patriotic education system. It is justified by the inadequacy of current theoretical and methodological reasoning of the time realities, the lack of systemic activity, with consideration of all actors, vectors and means of influence. The article deals with identifying the potential of physical culture and sports as possible means of civil and patriotic education. The vector of research interest involves the specification of the applied conceptual apparatus and the subsequent comparison of the specifics of individual and group identity’s formation with the resources of sports and physical culture.


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