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Miroshnichenko I. V. Network Mechanism for the Formation of Social and Political Identity of Modern Youth. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2017, vol. 17, iss. 1, pp. 92-?. DOI:
Network Mechanism for the Formation of Social and Political Identity of Modern Youth
In this article the author substantiates and characterize the effect of new network mechanisms of formation of identities that arise in the context of the societal transformation of modern society. The author shows that the network mechanisms of identity formation are beginning to work in the «digital generation» and represent a set of interrelated and interdependent practices in the global information and communication space, contributing to the individual and collective identity, internalization and reflection. The complex includes: the network communication mechanism, the mechanism of reflexive inclusion of the individual in the public space, the mechanism of network-topos structure and mechanism of public crowdsourcing. The authors conclude that the complex network of mechanisms creates a dynamic matrix of identity of modern man, which allows to realize the opportunities for its development in the modern conditions of formation of a new social reality
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