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Kaminchenko D. I. On the issue of political image leader networkization: The results of an empirical analysis. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 468-476. DOI:

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On the issue of political image leader networkization: The results of an empirical analysis

The networkization of the modern fi eld of public policy is studied in the paper. With the help of the information society theory and the image-role construct concept, the content of the image of the regional leader - the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region G.S. Nikitin is analyzed in the research. A qualitative-quantitative type of content analysis was chosen as the main empirical method of research, and the information array of data was made up of news reports from the Website of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Government. According to the results of the study, the presence in the image of a political leader of a number of meaningful and semantic constructs was established, among which the most used were the following: «economic manager», «team player», «initiator», «leader looking to the future», «crisis manager», «a leader who is aware of the various details of current problems» and others. Based on a number of features of the symbolic and semantic content (polythematicity, heterarchy of themes, situationality and variability), the authors made a conclusion about the network nature of the political leader image.

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