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Cherevichko Т. V., Tsyplin V. G. Political Aspects of American Assistance to Ukraine on the Eve of the 2002 Parliamentary Elections. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 489-494. DOI:

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Political Aspects of American Assistance to Ukraine on the Eve of the 2002 Parliamentary Elections

The article is devoted to the political analysis of the tools used by the United States to withdraw Ukraine from the sphere of economic influence of Russia. Based on the analysis of the materials of individual projects and scientific publications, the authors come to conclusion that by 2002 the expected change of generations of political scientists and economists did not take place in the USA. The tone within the Ukrainian issue continued to be set by the veterans of the Cold War and the financial structures behind them. The fragmentation of the activities of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on the eve of the Ukrainian parliamentary elections made it possible to characterize the network principle of the distribution of financial resources allocated for the implementation of pre-planned framework political programs. It is noted that the American economic component was reliably hidden in the mechanisms of the formation of Ukrainian pre-election political blocs.

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