Cite this article as:

Elina E. G., Anikin V. M. Purpose Education: Social Risks and Their Overcoming. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 373-377. DOI:

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Purpose Education: Social Risks and Their Overcoming

The article examines the specialists` purpose education components for priority industrial and social spheres in Russia from the point of view of state regulation and analysis of possible risks arising in the course of students` moving from purpose entry to the final stage of purpose education and guaranteed employment. The necessary organizational, legal, material, personnel and other conditions are formulated to minimize the “threats” that impede the main goal of purpose education – training and compulsory employment of a qualified specialist. The main historical periods of purpose education development in Russia are indicated. The actual legislative initiatives in the field of purpose education are discussed, introducing control and regulation into specialists` purpose education process – determining priority areas for purpose education and enrollment admission, choosing a university by ensuring mutual responsibility (including material one) with guaranteed employment. It is noted that there is a need to guarantee working and living conditions and the level of wages that facilitate the consolidation of young professionals at the workplace.


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