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Lebedeva L. G. Social Responsibility in Russian Generation Social Consciousness Dynamics. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 3, pp. 260-265. DOI:

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Social Responsibility in Russian Generation Social Consciousness Dynamics

Each generation has its own specific social (collective) consciousness and its prosocial forms of self-organization of individuals and groups, social movements and organizations. Social responsibility plays an important role in society’s life and self-organization. The author proceeds from the fact that social responsibility means recognizing the need to follow the generally recognized social and moral values, norms, requirements, reflecting the fundamental needs and interests of society by individuals, groups, and communities in their lives and behavior models. Social responsibility, as the quality of the individual, can be formed and implemented in various ways, including volunteering, public works, the struggle for human rights, by civic activity in the social, labor, and research in the socio-political and socio-cultural spheres. The problem of social responsibility is closely related to the problem of civicism (civic consciousness) and patriotism. Social responsibility refers to the “cultural code”, to the basic social values of modern Russian generations. At the same time, in recent decades the marked differences between the older and younger generations in value orientations have taken place. In particular, it applies to the value orientations of socio-status and economic nature. Market reforms have had a significant “educational” impact on the younger, as well as on the middle generations. The differences between the older and younger generations in moral and socio-political value orientations reflecting social responsibility are also noticeable. Such values become less important for the younger generation, in comparison with the older one. However, there are new forms and variants of social responsibility associated with the development of the Russian state democratic foundations – legal and social. Various, including new, forms and options of manifestation of social responsibility in modern conditions are worthy of special in-depth study.


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