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Kantemirova G. A. Specific Features of Family Structure Dynamics Types in Russia. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2, pp. 162-166. DOI:

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Specific Features of Family Structure Dynamics Types in Russia

The article considers the major factors affecting family structure dynamics in Russia and its change. The consequences of “the second demographic transition” are shown, in particular the growth in the number of informal “fragile” families caused the increase in the number of incomplete single-parent families. The main difference between Russia and the Post-Soviet countries in the field of family structure types dynamics is overlapping effects of social destabilization caused by the crash of socialist ideology and economy and the phenomena of the so-called “second demographic transition”, general for the whole Europe. This large-scale demographic transformation in the sphere of the family relations presents general decrease in the number of marriages increase in specific weight of officially unregistered families, and increase in the number of children born out of official marriages and change of the traditional sequence of events: even more often children appear before official marriage. The complex of these changes is called “pluralization”, “destandartization” or “individualization” of society. Such terms are connected with the weakening traditional ideas on the forms and sequence of events in the family sphere: now it is allowed to depart from strict following prescribed canons more and more.


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