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Bogdanov A. V. Specifics of Using Game Practices in the Framework of Forming the Political Culture of Modern Russian Youth (On the Example of the Analysis of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2, pp. 207-211. DOI:

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Specifics of Using Game Practices in the Framework of Forming the Political Culture of Modern Russian Youth (On the Example of the Analysis of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs)

The article highlights the main difficulties in implementing youth policy in modern Russia. The paper analyzes the use of game models in the activities of public authorities in the field of youth policy on the example of the Federal Agency for youth Affairs. The author substantiates the need to analyze the use of game technologies for the formation of the political culture of modern Russian youth, as well as highlights the specifics of the Russian socio-political process regarding the implementation of youth policy and identifies the main existing problems of using game technologies in the formation of the political culture of young people.


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