political culture

The Game of Politics vs. the Political Game: Posing a Problem (Part 2)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in social and political space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people. The author reveals the key features of the resource potential of gaming technologies and highlights the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of gaming activities.

The Game of Politics vs. the Political Game: Posing a Problem (Part 1)

The article analyzes the specifics of the use of game forms in the sociopolitical space, as well as in the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper identifies and considers in detail the main problem points associated with the use of game technologies for constructing the political culture of young people. The author reveals key features of the essential content of the categories of «game» and considers the basic conditions for the transition from game to reality, to the sociopolitical reality, detailing specific possibilities for making that transition. 

Specifics of Using Game Practices in the Framework of Forming the Political Culture of Modern Russian Youth (On the Example of the Analysis of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs)

The article highlights the main difficulties in implementing youth policy in modern Russia. The paper analyzes the use of game models in the activities of public authorities in the field of youth policy on the example of the Federal Agency for youth Affairs.

Game Technologies of Formation of Political Culture: Structural and Functional Analysis of Youth Organizations’ Activities (Examplified by Youth Brahch of the Russian Society of Political Scientists of the Saratov Region)

The article deals with the main functional characteristics of game technologies for the formation of political culture of Russian youth. The paper analyzes the use of game models in the activities of youth organizations on the example of the Youth branch of The Russian society of political scientists of the Saratov region.

Теоретико-методологические подходы к анализу игровых технологий: социально-политический аспект

В статье рассматриваются основные теоретико-методологические подходы к определению «игровые технологии» исходя из социально-политической детерминированности данной категории. В работе анализируется политическая составляющая игровых моделей, обозначаются их основные виды, формы и функции, а также систематизируются исследования игровых практик в социально-политической сфере.

The Problem of the Correlation of Traditions and Innovations in Works of Foreign Thinkers (On the Example of Works of A. Comte, K. Marx, G. Spencer, M. Weber)

The article deals with the correlation of tradition and innovation in the works of foreign scientists. There are two main directions in the approach to the analysis of this ratio and an attempt is made to identify on this basis the place and role of traditional and innovative factors in the formation and development of the political culture of society

Political Segment of Students’ Media Literacy: Аn Approach to Measure It

In modern science, attempts to measure media literacy / media competence are made from time to time. However, those who try to do it usually employ different theoretical premises, interpret phenomenon under consideration in their own ways, and, as a result, use various criteria for evaluations. Based on the analysis of more than hundred most oft-quoted (both in foreign and Russian scholarship) definitions of media literacy, the author offers his own conception of the term and puts forward the way it can be measured.

Russia’s Youth Political Culture within the Context of Media Literacy and Media Influence

Based on public surveys results’ analysis, the main features of Russia’s youth disposition towards politics are considered in this article. The author describes the media component of the youth political culture within the context of the degree to which their media literacy is formed and suggests pessimistic and optimistic tendencies the phenomenon under consideration has.

Ways to Counteract Political Manipulation in Mass Media

The main methods to counteract manipulative techniques used by mass media for political purposes are considered in this article. Among others, the author argues the necessity to compare information from different news sources, to check credibility of the facts conveyed by journalists, and to evaluate the extent to which a story is balanced.

Media Technologies of Influence on Political Culture

The article analyzes the peculiarities of media influence on political culture in the society. The possibilities of applying media theories to the study of political culture are considered.
