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Kazieva M. Z. Spiritual Health of Dagestan Student Youth: Sociological Analysis of Risks and Threats. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 74-81. DOI:

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Spiritual Health of Dagestan Student Youth: Sociological Analysis of Risks and Threats

At presen, the study of risks and threats in youth spiritual health sphere is one of those social problems, the relevance of which simply cannot be questioned. A sociological study of the Russian society’s spiritual health is impossible without studying the spiritual health of youth as a special socio-demographic group. Student youth refers to that category of the population whose health (and spiritual health as well) is inextricably linked with the notion of «risk». The purpose of the empirical research is chosen not accidentally, since it is the youth that is the main resource of society that determines the spiritual and moral potential and reflects the prospects and trajectories of the society development. According to the research results, it has been established that the manifestation of Dagestan youth spiritual activity lies at the basis of the formation of its spiritual health, is the production of social and cultural norms, needs, that is what is called the spiritual values of the values-oriented society. The research results show that satisfaction of material needs is a motivation for the young respondents to intensify activities threatening their spiritual health. At present, Dagestan youth tends to reject the traditional experience rather than its assimilation. The complex socio-political and economic conditions of the development of Russian society contribute to emerging two different trends in the value consciousness of Dagestan youth: the actualization of material values and the pursuit for new forms of worldview. The admission of Dagestan young people’s actions to improve their material needs, which are condemned and punished in a civilized society, reveals a deep spiritual and moral crisis, the primacy of the material over the spiritual. It is concluded, that in the conditions of a risk society, the departure from the traditional values of Dagestan society and the implementation of Western values and norms became the component of contemporary Dagestan youth spiritual life. In other words, the process of adopting and implementing Western values and norms of material consumption in the practical activities of youth presents a serious threat to spiritual health.


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